To my fellow permabears: fear not, for contrary to what the always happy-go-lucky bulls may think, this is simply a rally within a bear market. Short-term traders may find it enjoyable, but the buy and holders? Well, now remains a good time to continue accruing precious metals.
But for traders like myself who are always looking for opportunities to trade their long-term perspective, know that the market is currently giving us a very good opportunity. Inflationists/Dollar bears have been eyeing commodities, and on the Australian dollar and the Canadian dollar -- currencies closely correlated with commodities.
Check the chart below on the Australian dollar.
And the chart below on the Canadian dollar.
Trading This Setup
I've already entered a short USDCAD trade, and will be scaling into this position as it moves in my favor. I would like to see a test of the 1.05 area. I'll add on the break below each key level, and will close out if there are signs the trend has reversed or is stagnating.
Simit Patel
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